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This page contains a series of reflections on aspects of Benedictine spirituality and prayer, but other subjects may also be covered, depending upon inspiration! Subscribers to will receive a notification when new reflections are added - click here to subscribe:

Latest reflection, added 10 January 2023:

This is the first in a series of poems written from the standpoint of a character in the Bible, looking at their inner thoughts and motivations, and hopefully providing a different insight into Jesus, and how he affected them. I think the Woman at the Well (John 4:1-42) probably lived on the edge as a young woman, and fell foul of the religious authorities - leaving her with a strong antipathy towards men in power. Doubtless she was at ease expressing herself in strong language.

'The Good Judge' - a re-telling of the passion of Christ, to encourage us to look at it with fresh eyes, and explore the meaning of his redemptive death:

A reflection on 'The Tools of Good Works' - Chapter 4 of the Rule of St Benedict.

'Calming the Storm' - a reflection on Mark 4:35, and the need for continual prayer:

The Labyrinth of Prayer - how the Labyrinth of Chartres helps us to understand the spiritual journey. 

St Benedict and the Cruciform Life
Advent 2018 - Christ as the Light of the World

'Wonderful and Unsettling' - how lectio divina works changes in us.

Advent 2019: Go beyond the mind that you have...
Article about the connection between the  Turin Shroud and Buckfast Abbey chapel window.
The Art of Holy Week
St Paul and the Fruit of the Spirit

Can stained glass help us to understand the nature of the Eucharist, and what it call us to be?

Suffering and faith in
'The Brothers Karamazov'.

The second of of three reflections on 'The Brothers Karamazov', this looks at the famous story of 'The Grand Inquisitor'.
The final reflection on 'The Brothers Karamazov', this looks at Alyosha, the youngest brother, the Christ figure who brings light to the darkness.
Reflection No.1, 23 July 2018:
Prefer nothing to the love of Christ.
Reflection No.2, 15 October 2018: The Logos in the Prologue of St John.
Bartimaeus the blind man - and ignoring the voices that keep us from Christ.
Joy - only in darkness, the light

Bringing the Word Home - how lectio divina can help to develop a personal relationship with Christ.

Holy Week 2020

Text of three talks given by Abbot David Charlesworth OSB on various aspects of Benedictine life:
These are a series of reflections on the actual practice of prayer, and what the fundamental idea in the Rule of St Benedict to 'listen with the ear of the heart' might actually mean in practice:
Prayer and attention to Christ
Prayer and distraction
Prayer and humility
Prayer and Wonder
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